Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Since the launch of ‘Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot’ in 1996, it has remained a popular product in the market. Its elegant appearance, extra high capacity and flexible usage had easily made it a favourite among consumers. ‘Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot’ is made with 304 stainless steel inside out, with high graded heat-resistance material sandwiched between its layers. In it contains a big pot that measures up to 8 liter, and two smaller pots that are 24m in diameter. It is able to retain heat for up to 6 hours at approximately 70° Celsius. The lid, on the other hand, uses a special air-tight design to minimize heat loss, so the food can retain its authentic taste; Together with the pot, it is highly effective in preserving heat and cold.
The Features Of Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot
Save Energy
When you cook your food, you can save up to 1/2 to 2/3 of the energy supplied, thus you do not need to spend extra voltage power and indirectly save your money.
Save Time And Convenience
You only spend little time to boil the water, in another word, save away those time that you should spend in normal cooking.
When you braise your food, you do not need any power supply, thus is a totally safe process. The thermal container and thermal preservative flask for braising purpose are highly capable of both heat and also cooling preserving.
Environmental Friendly
When you braise any food, carbon monoxide will not be produced, and neither oil satin or smoke is coming out. Thus, keep our kitchen clean and non-hazardous to our health.
Nutrients Preserved
When you braise your food, all the nutrient contents will be preserved. So your cooked food will be totally fresh and delicious.
Suitable For All Types Of Cooking
Easily handled and convenient to use.
Healthy Living
Since no oil stains or smoke is produced, this will prevent us from infected with any bronchial or breathing illnesses.


节省能源 食物烹调过程中,可节省1/2—1/3的能源,不必花费过多的瓦斯或电力,节省费用。
省时便利 烹调过程中,只需花少许时间将水煮沸,可节省一般煮熟食物需花费的时间。
安全性高 焖煮过程中,不需使用瓦斯,电力,不会有安全顾虑。焖烧的热容器和保温瓶一样地具高度保温,保冷机能。
具环保功能 食物焖煮时,不会制造一氧化碳等有害人体健康的气体,不会产生油烟,可维护人体健康及厨房干净卫生。
适用不同烹调方式 操作简单,使用方便。
营养不流失 焖煮时,食物营养不易流失,新鲜又美味,较传统烹调法更保留有原味。
健康概念 避免吸入太多因煮熟所产生之油烟,降底罹患肺癌之机率。

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