The perfection of Stainless Steel Cookware from Italy!Manufactured by renown Italian Stainless Steel Utensil Factory, i.e.INOXIA, with state-of the art technology and years of experience in its field. Its products well known throughout the world.
Seiketsu’s Cosmos Cr-Ni 18 Austenitic Steel is one of the latest product from INOXIA, with latest technology in its reinforced base. Seiketsu’s Cosmos 18.10 Cookware is tough, lasting and light. It does not cut, stick, produce oily smoke and is easy to clean. Suitable for boiling, deep frying ,steamng ,stewing and roasting.You need only to cook at low heat and the 18.10 multi-ply base will conduct heat evenly and quickly to cook your food deliciously, retaining their original flavours natural freshness. This complete cookware set, together with its accessories are functionally diverse and flexible, high quality yet affordable. It is made to suit different kinds of stoves, including gas, electro-magnetic and electric; what’s more, it can cook multiple dishes at the same time which saves time and labor.
Seiketsu Cosmos 18.10 Cookware suits the needs of modern families. It takes care of the appetite and health of all in the family.
Seiketsu’s Cosmos Cr-Ni 18 Austenitic Steel is one of the latest product from INOXIA, with latest technology in its reinforced base. Seiketsu’s Cosmos 18.10 Cookware is tough, lasting and light. It does not cut, stick, produce oily smoke and is easy to clean. Suitable for boiling, deep frying ,steamng ,stewing and roasting.You need only to cook at low heat and the 18.10 multi-ply base will conduct heat evenly and quickly to cook your food deliciously, retaining their original flavours natural freshness. This complete cookware set, together with its accessories are functionally diverse and flexible, high quality yet affordable. It is made to suit different kinds of stoves, including gas, electro-magnetic and electric; what’s more, it can cook multiple dishes at the same time which saves time and labor.
Seiketsu Cosmos 18.10 Cookware suits the needs of modern families. It takes care of the appetite and health of all in the family.
雪潔宇宙钢宝来自意大利首屈一指的不锈钢炊具专业生产与研发制造厂INOXIA,拥有卓越精密的尖端科技,多年的不锈钢炊具改良和研发的经验,其所生产的炊具无疑是名闻遐迩,享誉盛名。宇宙钢宝所采用之18.10奥斯天尼地白钢(Austenitic Steel)亦为INOXIA的最新产品之一,拥有最先进的加底科技,可加强吸热与传热之功能,达到比一般钢锅更为保温及节省能源之效果。专业推出的雪潔宇宙18.10钢宝,拥有不锈钢坚固,耐用,质轻的特色,它不易刮伤,不粘锅,不生油烟,易清洗;无论煮,炸,蒸,焖,炖,焗……样样皆合宜。您只要以小火慢煮,特殊的18.10复合金钢就能发挥传热均匀快速的功效,使食物平均入味,不仅保留食物之原汁原味,而且让食物的鲜美更呈现。全套锅子加配件多样变化,高贵不贵,适用于各种不同炉具,包括瓦斯炉,电磁炉及电炉调理等,更可以一个炉具同时烹煮四道菜,省时又省力。雪潔宇宙18.10钢宝符和现代家庭需求,照顾您家人的口味和健康,就看它了。
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