Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Since the launch of ‘Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot’ in 1996, it has remained a popular product in the market. Its elegant appearance, extra high capacity and flexible usage had easily made it a favourite among consumers. ‘Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot’ is made with 304 stainless steel inside out, with high graded heat-resistance material sandwiched between its layers. In it contains a big pot that measures up to 8 liter, and two smaller pots that are 24m in diameter. It is able to retain heat for up to 6 hours at approximately 70° Celsius. The lid, on the other hand, uses a special air-tight design to minimize heat loss, so the food can retain its authentic taste; Together with the pot, it is highly effective in preserving heat and cold.
The Features Of Seiketsu Nutrition Cookpot
Save Energy
When you cook your food, you can save up to 1/2 to 2/3 of the energy supplied, thus you do not need to spend extra voltage power and indirectly save your money.
Save Time And Convenience
You only spend little time to boil the water, in another word, save away those time that you should spend in normal cooking.
When you braise your food, you do not need any power supply, thus is a totally safe process. The thermal container and thermal preservative flask for braising purpose are highly capable of both heat and also cooling preserving.
Environmental Friendly
When you braise any food, carbon monoxide will not be produced, and neither oil satin or smoke is coming out. Thus, keep our kitchen clean and non-hazardous to our health.
Nutrients Preserved
When you braise your food, all the nutrient contents will be preserved. So your cooked food will be totally fresh and delicious.
Suitable For All Types Of Cooking
Easily handled and convenient to use.
Healthy Living
Since no oil stains or smoke is produced, this will prevent us from infected with any bronchial or breathing illnesses.


节省能源 食物烹调过程中,可节省1/2—1/3的能源,不必花费过多的瓦斯或电力,节省费用。
省时便利 烹调过程中,只需花少许时间将水煮沸,可节省一般煮熟食物需花费的时间。
安全性高 焖煮过程中,不需使用瓦斯,电力,不会有安全顾虑。焖烧的热容器和保温瓶一样地具高度保温,保冷机能。
具环保功能 食物焖煮时,不会制造一氧化碳等有害人体健康的气体,不会产生油烟,可维护人体健康及厨房干净卫生。
适用不同烹调方式 操作简单,使用方便。
营养不流失 焖煮时,食物营养不易流失,新鲜又美味,较传统烹调法更保留有原味。
健康概念 避免吸入太多因煮熟所产生之油烟,降底罹患肺癌之机率。



The constant discharging of smoke from various industries and discharging of carbon monoxide from motor vehicles and so on, had indeed increased the poor air pollution throughout the world.
Due to the modernization and increasing new technologies, the air environment surrounding our lifestyles is more and more contaminants. ‘Fresh air” has become a luxury for those living in the town. Not forgetting the exposure to a multitude of chemicals in our diet like the pesticildes applied to the vegetables and use of antibiotics and growth hormones in livestock.
Seiketsu Anion & Ozone Disinfector has the combination of anion and ozone functions. It produces ‘fresh air ’in the living room 24 hours as fresh as the air from the mountain and forest. Chemicals in meat or vegetables which are understandably harmful to health could easily be removed after managed by ozone.
It could also maintain the freshness and natural tastes of the food.
Seiketsu Anion & Ozone Disinfector is your good choice in maintaining good quality of lift.
Disinfect Water Impure substances and germs in water neutralized and destroyed through oxidization.
Disinfection Ozone disinfects germs such as 0-157, cholera, colon bacillus, salmonella, vibrio , staphylococcus, and pseudomonas aeruginosa by strong oxidization.
Fruit/Vegetable By neutralizing residual agricultural chemicals and harmful elements on various vegetable and fruit through oxidization, it reduces health hazards.
Deodorization It is outstanding in deodorizing foul odours of refrigerators, food, indoor, bathroom , footwear, etc.
Air Purification By eliminating cigarette smoke, and other unpleasant odours, the air is negatively-charged, becomes clean and refreshed as air in a forest.
Auto-controlled SensorAccording to the status of air pollution, the ionizing output of ‘Air Clean’ function is automatically controlled.
Pollution IndicatorCurrent status of air pollution is indicted automatically following the pollution sensor.
Safety Device If the grill is detached from the main body, it automatically shuts off for your safety.
雪潔生命高鲜氧机集合了负离子及高鲜氧(臭氧)二大功能,可每天24 小时为您的作息空间制造如同高山或森林般的新鲜空气。同时,经过高鲜氧处理后的食物,不仅可去除对人体有害的化学药物,更可恢复食物天然之鲜美味道与口感。
8 个最创新的多功能:
高鲜氧水 氧化过程能有效的将水中杂质与细菌加以中和及消除。
消毒强化的氧化过程能有效的杀灭细菌如大肠杆菌 0-157、霍乱菌、结肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、弧菌、葡萄球菌及绿脓杆菌。
污染显示器 空气污染自动感应器会自动显示当下的空气污染指数。

Cosmos Steam Tower

Cosmos Steam Tower

Seiketsu Cosmos Steam Tower consists of five layers. The base layer is made up of a 28cm stainless steel pot, the other four layers above are steam pots, and on its top is a semicircular pot cover. It is uniquely designed by Inoxia, the manufacturer of stainless steel pot from Italy. The whole apparatus is made of austenitic stainless steel 18.10 CrNi manufactured under strict hygienic conditions.
It is suitable for use on any type of cooker. Its heat storage and heat transfer function are three times faster than typical pots due to its additional base layer which is infused with turbo induction technology. Moreover, it can cook or steam up to 5 different types of dishes at the same time without affecting the flavour of each dish. Therefore, it is both energy and time-saving.
The thermometer on the pot cover assists in regulating the time needed for cooking, thus enabling the food to be cooked just right, while maintaining its original juices and flavour, and preventing the loss of nutrients at the same time.

雪洁宇宙节能蒸塔,共五层,下面一层是28cm的钢锅,上面四层蒸笼加上半圆形锅盖形成蒸塔。来自意大利Inoxia钢锅生产商的独特设计,全套采用最坚固卫生的奥斯天尼迪18.10 CrNi白钢制成。
它适用于任何炊具上,其备有Turbo Induction高科技的加底层使其蓄热及传热功能比一般锅具快三倍,加上同时蒸煮五道不一样的菜肴却完全不影响个别的味道,既省能源,又省时间。

Gold Pack II

Gold Pack II

Seikesu Gold Pack II consists of 1 fashionable Induction Hot Plate made form France, 1 set 16cm and 1 set 24cm Austenitic Steel pots an also 1 set Austenitic Steel Wok & Cover made from ltaly. The induction Hot Plate is formed by using a transparency ceramic and it is easy to operate by only a touch on the surface for cooling instruction. Whereas it’s automatic function includes ‘boiling water, steam, milk, soup, stew, and keep warm and pressure cooking’. Additional functions ‘preset’, ‘lock’ and so forth.
The Austenitic Steel pots and wok characterized by the patented ‘Turboinduction’ technology and is world recognized for its ‘pattern rights’. When it is pit onto the induction Hot Plate, it heats about twice as fast as the ordinary electrical pots. Its exclusive design suits every cooking like boil, fry and steam and so on.
宇宙精配装 II

让烹煮环境更清爽 让煮食过程更简便宇宙精配装 II,包含一个法式电磁炉,一个 16cm 及一个 24cm 意大利奥斯天尼地钢锅和一个 36cm 意大利奥斯天尼地钢镬。法式电磁炉采用透明磁面板,加上无缝隙及触摸感应按钮,使烹煮更安全、更干净和更轻易。它的功能多样化,有手动功能如爆炒、火锅、煎炸及烧烤;自动功能如烧水、蒸煮、热奶、煲汤、焖炖、保温及压力锅。除此以外,它还有预约时间及童锁等功能。来自意大利,采用最坚固、最耐用、最干净的奥斯天尼地白钢制造的钢锅和镬,拥有世界专利的超强加底技术及独特的条纹设计,配合法式电磁炉使用,可以更快速加热,比一般的电炉或其他炉具节省一倍的烹煮时间。设计幽雅高贵的锅和镬适用于炖、焖、煎炸、蒸、煮等各色烹煮方式。



The perfection of Stainless Steel Cookware from Italy!Manufactured by renown Italian Stainless Steel Utensil Factory, i.e.INOXIA, with state-of the art technology and years of experience in its field. Its products well known throughout the world.
Seiketsu’s Cosmos Cr-Ni 18 Austenitic Steel is one of the latest product from INOXIA, with latest technology in its reinforced base. Seiketsu’s Cosmos 18.10 Cookware is tough, lasting and light. It does not cut, stick, produce oily smoke and is easy to clean. Suitable for boiling, deep frying ,steamng ,stewing and roasting.You need only to cook at low heat and the 18.10 multi-ply base will conduct heat evenly and quickly to cook your food deliciously, retaining their original flavours natural freshness. This complete cookware set, together with its accessories are functionally diverse and flexible, high quality yet affordable. It is made to suit different kinds of stoves, including gas, electro-magnetic and electric; what’s more, it can cook multiple dishes at the same time which saves time and labor.
Seiketsu Cosmos 18.10 Cookware suits the needs of modern families. It takes care of the appetite and health of all in the family.

雪潔宇宙钢宝来自意大利首屈一指的不锈钢炊具专业生产与研发制造厂INOXIA,拥有卓越精密的尖端科技,多年的不锈钢炊具改良和研发的经验,其所生产的炊具无疑是名闻遐迩,享誉盛名。宇宙钢宝所采用之18.10奥斯天尼地白钢(Austenitic Steel)亦为INOXIA的最新产品之一,拥有最先进的加底科技,可加强吸热与传热之功能,达到比一般钢锅更为保温及节省能源之效果。专业推出的雪潔宇宙18.10钢宝,拥有不锈钢坚固,耐用,质轻的特色,它不易刮伤,不粘锅,不生油烟,易清洗;无论煮,炸,蒸,焖,炖,焗……样样皆合宜。您只要以小火慢煮,特殊的18.10复合金钢就能发挥传热均匀快速的功效,使食物平均入味,不仅保留食物之原汁原味,而且让食物的鲜美更呈现。全套锅子加配件多样变化,高贵不贵,适用于各种不同炉具,包括瓦斯炉,电磁炉及电炉调理等,更可以一个炉具同时烹煮四道菜,省时又省力。雪潔宇宙18.10钢宝符和现代家庭需求,照顾您家人的口味和健康,就看它了。

Cosmos Oven Wok


Seiketsu Cosmos Oven’ is the world’s first all-steel oven. It is high quality, practical and durable. Its simple design is not only beautiful, but easy to operate and clean. Utilizing the Revolve Heating System, it enables more balanced roasting and baking. Furthermore, its capacity is larger than most ovens in the same category, which makes cooking more convenient. Now you can cook a variety of food at the time, like meat and cakes, hence cutting down energy usage.
'Seiketsu Cosmos Wok' is elegant in design. It is made with high quality 5 layerd 18-10 stainless steel, sandwiching centre layers of pure aluminium (imported from the United States) which is able to seal in heat. It conducts heat evenly and as such there is conventional action during the process of cooking, making food more delicious and taste natural while saving time and fuel.The ‘Cosmos Wok’ does not burn food easily. It is non stick and helps retain the food’s authentic taste. Pairing up the ‘Seiketsu Cosmos Oven’ and ‘Cosmos Wok’’ offers you many cooking options, whether it is braising, roasting, steaming, frying or baking. This is an essential set of cookware for the modern kitchen.




Through the awareness of health, the natural organic food is becoming popular. From the intake of raw food, it has increased the absorption of fiber and vitamins. Seiketsu Soylove II :- A well prepared raw food machine gathered with its, and .

Ways to fix time to prevent lost of vitamins
Beep…beep’ sound indicated ‘stop’
Unique creation to safeguard usage
New double grinding creation for proper stirring and juice producing
Unique double level geared blades enable fiber dissolved perfectly
Function simplicity due to the creation of micro-computer
Attractive and beautiful creation.
健康养生机 II

雪潔健康养生机 II ~ 集『美观』、『智慧』、『多功能』于一身的生机食物调理机。



It seems our lifespan has prolonged since entering 21st century. No doubt there's achievement and advancement of medical research but yet we are more concern of the daily food intake. When food is a simple, uncomplicated pleasure and is enjoyed as a natural part of being alive, then it provides a solid foundation of good health. In fact, a cereal is rich in vitamins and minerals, it consists of antioxidants, it is fibre rich, it has amino acids and etc. It reduces the risks of high-blood pressure, cholesterol; it can smoothen the flow of glucose in the blood, improve our energy, get rid of toxin and maintain body weight. Cosmos Soylove I with its automatic function could easily prepare all kinds of delicious cereals for you and your family.

1. Speedy food processing
- The processing time takes about 20-30
2. Easy to clean
- Easy to disassemble for cleaning
3. Safe in use
- Water sensor :
Checks the operation without water
- Assembly condition sensor :
Checks the operation when the assembly is incomplete
- No foaming or overflowing of water
(the sensor detects the foam condition and temperature)
4. Convenient to store
5. Easy to make food
- Automatic process
健康养生机 I

踏入二十一世纪,人类的寿命越来越长,除了有赖医学昌明进步,也因为人们重视养生。今天,吃不仅是为填饱肚子而已,吃得正确、吃得健康是保健的基本要素之一。谷类食物含有丰富的维生素及矿物质,另有抗氧化物、高纤维素、氨基酸等,可有效舒缓高血压、降胆固醇、调节血糖、增加免疫力及达到排毒瘦身的效果。雪潔健康养生机 I 全自动化烹调方式将为您及家人煮出美味且营养价值极高的各种谷类料理。

- 20~30分钟内完成烹调功能
- 轻易拆除及简单的清洗功能
- 水传感器 :
- 组装传感器 :
- 泡沫过热传感器:
- 完成料理为止自动进行工作